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Friedensförderung profitiert vom Austausch zwischen Forschung, Praxis und Politik. Die folgende Zusammenstellung weist auf Publikationen aus dem Themenfeld „Peacebuilding und Zivilgesellschaft“ hin.
Darin enthalten sind:
- konzeptionelle Beiträge aus der Forschung zu Peacebuilding und Zivilgesellschaft
- Strategiepapiere aus der Politik zur Stärkung ziviler Beiträge im Peacebuilding
- Praxisbeiträge, die erfolgreiches ziviles Engagement im Peacebuilding sichtbar machen.
Do No Harm. How Aid Can Support Peace – Or War
Anderson, Mary B. (1999)
Time to Listen – Hearing People on the Receiving End of Aid
Anderson, Mary B. et al. (2012)
Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict. The Berghof Handbook.
Austin, Alex; Fischer, Martina; Ropers, Norbert (Eds.) (2004)
Advancing Conflict Transformation. The Berghof Handbook II
Austin, Beatrix; Fischer, Martina; Giessmann, Hans J. (eds.) (2011)
Peacebuilding: What is in a Name?
Barnett, Michael et al. in: Global Governance 13 (2007)
Beyond Blueprints – Civil Society and Peacebuilding
Berg Harpviken, Kristian (2004)
Berghof Glossary on Conflict Transformation – 20 notions for theory and practice
Berghof Foundation (2014)
The two faces of education in ethnic conflict. Towards a peacebuilding education for children
Bush, Kenneth; Saltarelli, Diane for UNICEF (2000)
Reflecting on Peace Practice. Handbook
CDA Collaborative Learning Projects (2004)
Education, change and peacebuilding.
Davies, Lynn in: FriEnt Essay (2013)
How State-Building Strategies Miss Local Realities
Debiel, Tobias; Lambach, Daniel in: Peace Review 21:1. (2009)
Building Peaceful States and Societies
Department for International Development (DFID) (2010)
Joint Action for Prevention – Civil Society and Government Cooperation on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding.
European Centre for Conflict Prevention/Global Secretariat of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict in: Issue Paper 4 (2004)
Development for Peace and Security – Development Policy in the Context of Conflict, Fragility and Violence
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (2013)
Peace education – State of the art and lessons learned from USIP grantmaking
Fitzduff, Mari; Jean, Isabella in: Peaceworks, USIP (2011)
Peace by Peaceful Means – Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization
Galtung, Johan (1996)
Education under attack
GCPEA (Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack) (2014)
Emerging practices in design, monitoring, and evaluation for education for peacebuilding programming
Herrington, Rebecca for Search for Common Ground – Practice guide (2015)
Literature Review: The role of teachers in peacebuilding – Research consortium on education and peacebuilding
INEE guidance note on conflict sensitive education
INEE (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies) (2013)
Minimum standards for education: preparedness, response, recovery
INEE (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies) (2012)
Integrating conflict and fragility analysis into the education system sector analysis guidelines: a proposed companion guide
Koons, Cynthia for USAID and Global Partnership for Education (2013)
The Non-Lineartity of Peace Processes – Theory and Practice of Systemic Conflict Transformation
Körppen, Daniela et al. (2011)
Building Peace, Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies, Washington.
Lederach, John Paul (1997)
A Toolbox for Responding to Conflicts and Building Peace
Lund, Michael S. in: Reychler, Luc; Paffenholz, Thania: Peacebuilding – A Field Guide (2001)
Civil Society and Peacebuilding
The German Civil Peace Service – Synthesis Report
Civil Society and Peacebuilding – A Critical Assessment
Paffenholz, Thania (Ed.) (2010)
Peacebuilding – A Field Guide
Reychler, Luc; Paffenholz, Thania (Eds.) (2001)
Education and peacebuilding – an operational framework
saac, Annette for CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) (1999)
An Agenda for Peace – Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping
Den Frieden denken. Si vis pacem, para pacem
Senghaas, Dieter (1995)
Conflict-sensitive education policy. a preliminary review.
Sigsgaard, Morten/ Eduation above All (EAA) (2012)
Education and peacebuilding: from ‚conflict-analysis‘ to ‚conflict-transformation‘?
Smith, Alan in: FriEnt Essay Series (2011)
People Building Peace – 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World, European Center for Conflict Prevention.
Tongeren, Paul et al. (1999)
Protecting education from attack – A state of the art review
Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme – Skills for constructive living. Overview of the programme
Supplement to An Agenda for Peace – Position Paper of the Secretary-General on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations.
Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development
People Building Peace II – Successful Stories of Civil Society, Boulder.
Van Tongeren, Paul et al. (2005)
A new agenda for education in fragile states
Winthrop, Rebecca; Matsui, Elena in: Center for Universal Education Working Paper 10 (2013)
Civil Society and Peacebuilding – Potential, Limitations and Critical Factors.
World Bank in: Report No. 36445-GLB (2006)